As Lollipop is now starting to roll out to several devices people are asking if A2DP Volume is compatible. So far I have only run 2.11.11 in the Lollipop emulator. That does not test much functionality of this app really since Bluetooth is not supported in the emulator. However, A2DP Volume did run and all features I was able to test (or have tested so far anyway) worked. My test devices (newest is Droid Bionic with KitKat) are all old enough now they don't have a Lollipop build that I can find. My main phone is a Droid Maxx and it will be getting Lollipop soon. That will likely be the first time I can test the app on a device. Unfortunately it will likely be at least January before Lollipop lands on the Maxx and I will be in the middle of FIRST robotics build season then so I will have no time to work on the app. Because of this it will be second quarter sometime at the earliest that I can test and make any fixed needed for Lollipop. Until I do get Lollipop, feel free to post issues you find on the issues list. I work those issues when making a new release.
I am just one guy making this app in my "spare" time. I get help with translations from others but almost no coding help. I am also an amateur programmer. I make no money from this work. In fact, it costs me a bit to deploy to various app stores so my total profit from this and all my apps is actually negative. My apps have no ads or ad revenue. I am not collecting any data or making any money in any way. I make the apps for my own use and then I open source them and give them away free on the the Play Store and Amazon app store. For me it is a fun hobby. I get several offers to monetize my apps every week even though I have a statement in the Play store stating I have no intention to monetize my apps. Sadly, others such as Ksoft are taking my work and monetizing clones of it. I am not whining here but rather just trying to set expectations. Also, I would very much welcome some more developers to help with these apps.